Update of forum?

Well i think forum should be updated and add support for RSS feeds and new smileys are always welcome IMHO … :wink:

Done… you’ve got my vote there… YES we need RSS feeds in forum.

So far, not a single negative vote.

The people are making themselves heard! :smiley:

Well there is now…I wonder who voted NO and why?

Folks if you vote NO we would appreciate it if you let us know why.

At least I did vote for NO :wink: There is no new version which is worth all the work (updating this beast is not a click-click-click operation).

SMF does support RSS, even now. It’s just not turned on, and I don’t think it will be.

So, if I understand, the thread may be closed now.

I see no reason to close this thread.I thought you guys get payed for your work?That includes taking care of the forum doesn’t it?

This works. :wink:

I see there’s no point in debating this.Go ahead and close this thread , delete it for all i care.

All I can say is, this is not the way to deal with things Alwil… sure it’s not, and we would really appreciate if we get some more info at this point.

Thank you in advance !

Btw, where is culpeper now ? He actually started a thread with this topic… see here:


Sure we would like to hear from as much people as possible…

They don’t need to update the version. They can add RSS feeds to the forums. I don’t know what the hold up is all about. At least they can give an official yes or no answer.

Maybe they do after all Culpeper… they certainly need to do something regarding this forum. See this thread I started:


Not even a single word from anyone to clear that a bit… and sure neither XHTML nor CSS passes validation (?!!) Try it yourself… validation links are at the bottom of each page :wink:

These are the messages you get when trying to validate:

[b][u]This page is not Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional![/u][/b]


[b][u]CSSValidator Error Target: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?action=pm Please, validate your XML document first! Line 20 Column 197 Open quote is expected for attribute "BORDER" associated with an element type "img".[/u][/b]

Last ione I know it’s not that a big of a deal, but still… why put validation link if it’s not validated ?

I thought I’ve already explained it above? ::slight_smile:

I won’t touch working piece of software on a production machine. Is there any benefit from upgrading to 1.0.5? HTML/CSS non validating ‘bugs’ are ehm, say, funny.

Well I wouldn’t call them funny, that’s for sure… funny, are those responds we are getting latelly from you guys. All we are trying to do here is to help people, and some of us are quite some time in here… we do this for free, and we never ask for anything in return. We are happy with you providing freeware product for millions of users out there… but once in a while when we ask for something like something small just to feel better while spending all that time in this forum, something to make us feel like home, sure we expect little bit better answers… I don’t know if we are asking much this time, but on second thought… I am sure we are not asking much.

Besides, avast! official web site won’t pass W3C markup validation service. See here:

VALIDATION FAILED LINK (Thanks kubecj for drawing my attention to this)

Btw, where is Pavel… haven’t heard from my friend for so long… is everything OK ?

I don’t care about what version message board is installed. If you don’t know how to add the RSS Feed adverstisement than I will find the proper threads on the SMF support forums for you. Are you going to add the RSS feeds or not?

I know how I’d add them.


Put ;board=XYZ on the link for a specific board.

Just bear in mind, this upgrade isn’t only for those using the home version.
There are quite a few of us who use and are paying for the Pro version.
As one member of that groupe, keeping this forum up-to date which includes
instituting RSS feeds is something I’d like to see happen.

Guys, this is generally not how it works.

You (as a user) can make a request (such as “add RSS support for the forum”).
Then it gets logged as a requirement.
Then someone from the management team says “we will do this” or “we won’t do this”.
If aproved, it is then added to the work queue of a particular person.
And then, when all the things above this item in the queue get done, it is finally done.

So now, we’re in step 1. I thank you for placing the request. However, e.g. kubecj is currently very busy with other more important things (related to the avast engine itself) so it may take some time.

I hope this is understandable to anyone.


In other words we will never see RSS feeds on this forum…

Okay. Thanks for giving an explaination.