Update only on start?

I have been letting my computer run for extended periods of time (in 3-5 day blocks). When ever I (re)start my computer, the blue info window always pops up and says avast was just updated. I am wondering if avast only updates during first starting the program, or it only applies updates at the next start. Heck maybe it was just chance, though I would like to be certain of the answer (I do not want to run my computer constantly without updated protection).


This has been expalined in many threads on this board already.

1] Avast checks for updates at the first connection to the net.
2] When there is a ‘continious’ connection, Avast checks every 4 hours for updates.
(provided that you haven’t changed it in the settings and automatic updates are enabled)

Thank you.

You can configure the update behavior changing the avast4.ini file. See ‘Settings’ in my signature :wink: