Update problem

Downloaded AVAST Free Home edition. Installed okay. Can’t automatically nor manually update definitions nor program. I use this program on a primary system but my hard drive went bad & that’s in shop for upgrades. Now using secondary “bastardized” Systemax, 32 bit, 256 RAM, Windows ME 4.90.3000, Authentic AMD Athlon processor. Cable connection, web safe router. Had trouble installing T’bird but finally got that. Can’t install F’fox! Help with the AVAST updating please??? Thanks!

What is your firewall or are you only using the router?

You need to allow avast.setup access to the internet in order to update.

Are you getting any error messages, if so what are they?

Have you got another AV installed or did you have one installed before, if yes, which one and or how did you remove it?

I’m using only the router. No, didn’t have a virus program before this. Actually, I did a system restore prior to downloading and installing AVAST Free Home yesterday so all is pretty new. I get a red square every now and then that tells me AVAST was unable to update. It also tells me to “click for more info” but when I try that, the message just disappears. I hope you can help. Thanks. :-[

Does the web safe router have a built in firewall to protect against outbound connections?

Do you have any browsing broblems that might be connection related?

The red notification unable to update are usually a firewall blocking avast.setup, but could possibly be in the connection settings, Program Settings, Update (Connections).

Do you use a proxy to connect to the internet?

Last I checked AVAST was told my computer was always connected but I’ll check again. It’s a POP 3 cable connection. On the other hand, I think I tried to go to the Inet and update from there…still couldn’t update. Router has built in firewall according to the friend who suggested that item. It’s a Netgear Web Safe Router RP 114. Just now, trying to access Inet because I wasn’t sure of the answer, I did get “I Explore has caused an error in WININET.DLL. If you continue…try restarting your computer.” Yep, I do have to restart when that happens. Gosh, I really appreciate your trying to help me! I’m not all that computer savvy.

Your cable is what would be deemed a broadband (fast) always on connection and not a dial-up connection that actually dials a phone number to connect. POP3 is an email protocol for receiving emails, not a connection method.

YOu can also check the Update (basic) section and click on the Details button, then click the Proxy button and ensure that is set to Direct connection (no proxy) and not Auto detect.

Checked again. Update (basic) shows Virus database “Automatic”. Program “automatic”. Update (connections) shows My computer is permanently connected to the internet. By the way, tried Alerts and that showed test all as okay. The arrows, if you can call them that, where update is concerned shows green going out and red coming in…I hope you know what I mean by that. Anyhow…I’m about to quit on this and just wait for my primary computer to come back from shop. That needed a new hard drive but I’m also having RAM updated from 256 to 512 and UBS updated to 2 plus change of OS from 98SE to 2000. Wish me luck!!! Thanks for all your attempts to help…I’m probably helpless. “Mickey” aka CoCo

Sorry to have put you thru so much hassle. My entire Inet connections, from the start to finish…in basic installation not only in AVAST, were screwed up. I think I’ll be okay now. I’ve been able to install Firefox and Thunderbird. I’ll try AVAST again soon but am confident it will work. It’s taken a couple of days but I figured it out!!! Your patience is appreciated, “Mickey” (CoCo)

Happy to help, let us know if it works out ok.