update problem

I’ve a problem to update avast on my sister’s computer, I’ve got the error code 0x00000005.
When i tried to update by right click on avast icon and update, nothing happens ad if i try 10 times it the sames but 1 hour later Avast try to make update 10 times and sometimes it works sometimes no.

I can’t repait it because in the control panel when I click to uninstall avast nothing happens.

Do you have an idea?

Ps: there is no firewall (only windows’one and avast is allowed to connect) but there is a router (same as mine) and I didn’t open anyting for avast

Ps2: french user inside :wink:

Please use the search option on this board.
Many threads have possible solutions.
Keyword = 0x00000005

I’ve searsch but I didn’t find a solution

→ I’ve register another time
→ repair doesn’t work
→ check for the avast4.ini for the connexion

I’ll search

A question: can I copy my avast4.ini to the other computer?

Yes you can copy the ini file, but I doubt it is gonna solve things

This is bad… if you run the setup.exe file that you download, will it start the update/repair of avast?
Do you have (or had in the past) any other antivirus in your system?

Welcome to forums 8)

I don’t remenber exctatly but if I’ad one it was Norton 2004 or 2005.

I’ll try download another setup.

I’ll be back :wink:

Hello everybody ;D

well I’ve found the problem, it was the avast connexion option wich was set with proxy detection, I put direct connection and it workd for now.
