Update question/issue


at first take a look at the screenshot, my question is related to it.
When I turned the pc on today I got automatic update (9:30h), this is OK. Looking on the protocol it conformed this.
My settings is to update every 240min=4hours. It means that the next update should be at about 13:30h. But in the protocol there is no such entry ???
Taking a look on the small configuration settings there is a text said that the last update was on 13:57h ??? What dopes this mean?
Below is written that a new version is avaible - new version of what???

so, why the entry in the protocol doesnt match the last update time? Why there wasnt update after 4 hours=240min as set up?

Does this ussue has something common with Windows Firewall in Windows XP because today I turned the firewall on? But there wasnt any notification about this… I still dont want to try manuall update, because I wait for the next 4hours update interval in about 30min.

Do you have any ideas?

Below is written that a new version is avaible - new version of what???
probably a new programm version, latest is 4.8-1356

It will check for new defs every 240 min, but that does not mean that there are any new defs every 240 min
so the log shows when it found and downloaded new defs, not when it was checking ( i think, correct me if i am wrong)

Here you can se the updates
program http://www.avast.com/eng/avast-4-home_pro-revision-history.html
virus def http://www.avast.com/eng/vps_history.html

how can it comes that my version is not updated??? and this is 2 week ago???
I thoght this happens automatically???

how can I trust Avast now??? >:(

Virus def is automatic, but program updates is a warning, (defult settings) but you can sett it to automatic if you want

See page 37 in user guide
avast! User Guides and Manuals http://www.avast.com/eng/download-user-guides-and-manual.html

no logic to be just a warning ant not automatic… :o

could you make right now an manual update and tell me if there was something?

There is logic, it saves those on dial up for example, and allows them to best choose when to update for existance. A program update is particularly big…
You should have seen a green sliding box telling you to update
Looks like this:


Right click avast! tray icon → click about avast!
You should be able to see what version you have.

could you make right now an manual update and tell me if there was something?

Not quite following you here, what do you mean?

I already saw that my program version is 1356, it means an old one.

Quote could you make right now an manual update and tell me if there was something?

Not quite following you here, what do you mean?

Please make an manual virus defi update and check if it will be installed something?

This is the most recent version. The entry in the log viewer is just the reference to the notice that you would see.

Please make an manual virus defi update and check if it will be installed something?
The update check, is merely that, if there is not a new version, then there will be nothing to download.

ups I mean 1351, from August.
so this is old .
what for is this option, (look at screenshot)? The program update is set to automatic, why is doesnt update the program automatically?

PLEASE do an vir.def. update and tell me if there are new definitions!
I know that when there are no new def, it will be nothing downloaded BUT please confirm this right now at this moment!

Right, ok

To get the most recent program version:

Right click avast! tray icon -->Updating → Program Update

The most recent VPS version is 091010-0

To get the most recent program version:

Right click avast! tray icon -->Updating → Program Update

I know this, I am asking about the automatic program update…why is doesnt work how it is set in the screenshot in my previous post?

The most recent VPS version is 091010-0
well ok , but this is actually from yesterday, if 091010 means 10.10.2009, so....

can someone tell me at what time today came out the new vir.def. 11.10.2009 - 91011-0 ???

Right click the A Icon. Select program settings, click update basic and set all to automatic. Then all will update when you connect to the internet! program as well as virus updates:)

man, dont you read my post http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=49622.msg419626#msg419626

I already said that both is set to be updated automaticlly but program is not updated!!!

what is buggy?

And please at what time came out the new vir.def. 11.10.2009 - 91011-0 ?

To alter time interval on updating right click the A Icon. Programe settings select update basic / details Auto update min value 30mins instead of 240 mins


well is that the only solution?


I don’t believe the time of release is recorder only the date, I have only just got 091011-0 VPS.


is there a removal tool?