Update stopped working


I wonder if anyone seen this problem, where update fails to start, saying

“Last enconutered error: Setup is already running”

and doing nothing. Indeed there is Setup\sbr.exe that just hangs and never stops.

Rebooting doesn’t help.

Is there anything can be done (short of reisntalling)?

Thank you

If avast says “Setup is already running”, there is instup.exe process running along with sbr.exe. The reason why setup is running can be automatic program/virus definitions update, repair. Can you upload update.log file located in “c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Persistent Data\Avast\Logs”?

yes, here it is as a.log , and also another i found there just in case

Has there been any resolution to this?

Does repair and reboot help? >> https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Repair-Antivirus