Is the update from 5.0.545 to 5.0.594 working smoothly for most?
I quit after about 10 minutes of “analysing.” Got two zonealarm alerts.
I was going ask here how big the update is since my dialup really does NOT like big ones, but then avast acted like it was done and wanted to restart my computer.
So: How big is the update? Is it working well generally?
Yes, it’s a smooth, quite small update.
It’s about 750 kb, if I remember right…
But be aware, ZA could make troubles, you better drop it first…!
I had no trouble with ZoneAlarm just a few minutes ago. I forget the total size of the download, but the download only took about 2 mins on DSL (~2.8 Mps speed).
Remember, to answer ‘Yes’ when you get the alert or pop-up from ZoneAlarm as Avast is trying to download more stuff to complete the install.
My update (same 5.0.545 to .594) was only 763KB and even on dial-up didn’t take long overall just over 8 minutes (see image) and no issues. My firewall never batted an eyelid during the update download.
So ZA is poking its nose in and that should only happen after a program update if any processes changed.
What were the ZA alarms, without that info we are clutching at straws as to why ?
Hi David,
Not sure if this question was directed at me or the OP… but I didn’t get an alarm from ZA, just the normal pop-up that says, “something (avast) is trying to access the internet” and asking permission. It’s part of the learning that ZA normally does when there’s a new process running.
To the OP who reported two such ZA alarms.
Works perfectly for me.
Never had a problem with 4.8. I mean NEVER
Thanks again gents and ladies.
Me an OP! Imagine that!
Sorry not to have reposted. I think things are pretty normal again. Just balancing automatic ZA access with avast updates on demand.
I am not sure how to take the advice to drop ZA. I have had it for several years and credit it and avast!for solving a huge malware problem at that time.
Hi Jima,
Dropping ZA is the suggestion by just a few people. I happen to NOT agree with that. ;D I’ve been very happy with the service provided by ZA and avast. Never any problems whatsoever. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
You don’t have to take everything on here as law, If it works good for you keep it.Remember if it ain’t broke.
don’t fix it.
Some users reported problems concerning ZA in the past, but if it runs fine on your system, no need to drop it…! Furthermore, there has been a fix in the latest avast build, so hopefully this is solved now…