Update will not install, says current but is not

I have been using the simple interface for some time now with autoupdate turned on. I had my web host check and found a virus on my outgoing email. So, I downloaded the latest update and when I try to run it I get a message saying it is up do date already.

I opened the advanced user interface, immediately it says I am way outdated, last fall in fact. I have checked the settings, I am on dial up now. I cannot run the update file, says the system is currently using the loader. I try to open the update wizard, nothing happens. I right clicked on the task bar icon, updating, iAVS, nothing happens.

Not sure what to try next, any help here would be greatly appreciated. I have run Avast for some time now and love it but this is a bit frustrating.


Downloading the entire vps file will always give you this message if you already updated the system by Internet.

What do you mean outdated?
Is it a Registration trouble or a VPS like you said before?
Are you using the trial version?

Thanks, really appreciate your help.

I run the Pro version and paid for it, registered it as well, months ago.

I used the simple interface the whole time but have looked at the advanced one.

I have always had auto update enabled.

My web host found a virus coming from me, there were other reasons why he checked, like messages from other emailers with virus issues saying I was sending them.

I downloaded the latest update but it will not load, says I have the latest already but it finds no virus.

I switched to the advanced control panel and it immediately opened a window saying I was using an old virus databass dated last August.

I tried the update wizard and it starts a download of files then disapears and nothing further happens.

I had already downloaded it so tried from there, on windows explorer, it says already updated.

I went back to the advanced screen and it comes up with the same message.

I tried the auto update again, wizard, and it does nothing at all.

Then I close the program, open it and get the message again saying I have the old databass, so go through the same routine and get the same results each time.

I have probably tried other things but it is getting a bit jumbled in my brain now, must be the frustration kicking in.

This is a pro version, I am losing money because of this, having an internet based business and all. Really sucks right now as expanding and alot more money going out than coming in.


If I try to display the VPS toolbarnothing happens either.


Do you have the system time/date set correctly?

I just checked, was off by three minutes so corrected it.

Would be cool it that is all it is but it does not seem like that would do it, but then again, I sure don’t know;)


Strange… I mean, if e.g. your system date has an incorrect year set, it would explain the behavior.
Three minutes certainly won’t make any difference.

I have tried a few more things but everytime I go to update it starts to download then stops 10 seconds into it and just does nothing more. done certain ways it will let me know it stopped at 10 seconds.

Will keep trying!


Raam, I can’t suggest anything better than downloading the full installer (setupeng.exe) and running it. It’ll update the program to the newest version, also the VPS.

Pre-October 2003 versions are known to have some bugs in updating code.

Thanks! I will give that a try next, just woke up from a long and way over do bit of sleep!
