
Hi I was just wondering was there a new update 439-1 because it dose not show and I was just curious why it did not show on your web site. Thanks

Yes, there was an update today.
It’s displayed on the web page as well now… maybe the update of the web page was somehow delayed.

Thanks for your help but I look too see if it was on the web page it still shows the last update 439-0 that is why I was asking. I am from Canada and it dosen’t show yet that is why I ask. Thanks again

Yup,i still see the old one too…

VPS 0438-1 is also missing…

Thanks for your help. So I won’t worry that it dosen’t show on the web page. Thanks again!

Well, I checked at the moment I posted the message and it really showed 439-1 for me. Maybe your browser, or some kind of proxy on the way, caches the old page?