Hi. I’m posting here 'cause my avast! free antivirus tries to update its virus database, but it’s failing once and once.
It has been doing the same for about two months. When I try to do it manually, it simply says “total time: 2s”. The same problem with program version. It’s like a lost conection with update server.
Should I reinstall my antivirus? Or what?
Install from scratch:
Very important to remove all remains of other AVs installed before Avast. Use this site to execute uninstall utilities for other AVs.
Download and save to your desktop aswclear : http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility
Download and save a fresh copy of Avast!. Be sure to have your lincense handy if running a paid version:
Use aswclear in safe mode once for Avast! 7 and any other Avast! you may have had before. Reboot after each uninstall.
Reinstall fresh copy of Avast!
Reinstalled, but it says “invalid signature archive” when I try to update it.
By the way, I’ve seen another post about the same problem, where you recommend to download VPS. Should I do it?
Did you do it running aswclear in safe mode ? Did you run the uninstall utility for whatever AV you had running before Avast! ?
What firewall are you running ?
By all means. You will have an up to date Avast!. Reboot afterward.
Yes, I removed ALL its components with aswclear.
What a rarity. Yesterday it didn’t want to upload, but I’ve just tried it again 2 minutes ago and it uploaded correctly.
Repared… I think so.
Busy servers ? :o
You are welcome.