
I am having this problem since yesterday and it’s happening again today? I waited for like 5 minutes now it doesn’t go forward? Any ideas?

What is your VPS version ? Current VPS is 130501-0

I do not have any problems. Could be a server issue at your location. If this have been happenig for a while now, you could try reparing Avast!.

Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs & Features > uninstall a program > select avast! and click " Uninstall/Change ". Look for " Repair "

Reboot when finished.

In Avast Virus Monitor website the latest VPS is 1.5.2013-130501-0. My avast has got that VPS. Release date: 1/05/2013 9:36:20pm. Lastest update attempt is 15 minutes ago. Streaming updates: Enabled Connection established. Last update received: 2/05/2013 9:28:04am.

The time now is 9:29am.

I guess there’s a server problem with manual update. I won’t manual update again.

Last night this problem occurred and I woke up few minutes back it’s still the same so i restarted and I will try manual update soon.

At least you got the latest VPS and streaming are working. As I said could be a server issue at your location when trying to do it manually. Yes try it later on and see what happens.

YAY!!! Tried to do a manual update now. It worked ;D. I guess it was a server issue. At first I thought avast was auto updating avast! 8.0.1487 so it was having issues with the manual VPS update lol.

Why is your avast on version 7?

Good ;D

You mean the screenshot ? Good eye. Just an image I have arround.

You mean the screenshot ? Good eye. Just an image I have arround.
I have avast 8.0.1483 ;D. I thought it was updating to 8.0.1487 final version

Avast 8.0.1487 isn’t a final version, the RTM categorisation is incorrect and the notification of its release in the beta sub-forum and beta still being on the UI tends to support that http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=122788.0.

So only those with the previous beta version would get this update via the avast UI, those with 8.0.1483 would be informed they have the latest version, which is correct for the regular release version/build.