Updated Avast Internet Security Blocking ALL ADS????

I updated my aast and now its blocking all ads on every site I go too. I even disabled this safe zone feature and disabled ALL social plugins etc so ads will show up and It is not working. I have restarted both chrome and firefox many times and nothing is working. This is the worst add on I have seen yet. Even when i disable it, I do not see any ads. Help please.

From what version to what version?.
How did you do the update, through the avast program itself, or by manually uninstalling the original version and doing a clean install of the new version?
Have you rebooted the computer since doing the update.

..disabled ALL social plugins etc so ads will show up and It is not working.
Not sure what you mean by this. Taking firefox for example, have you tried going into Tools->Add-ons->Extensions and disabling the Avast AOS completely. You will need to restart Firefox after.

I dont remember from what version to the new one. I would imagine the last version to the latest one. I installed it through avast. It recommended me update and I did. Yes, i have rebooted plenty times since.

Yes, i have disabled the extension in firefox AND chrome and it still has not fixed itself in any way.

This is prolly no help at all but, I “USED” to have the green circle in top of my browser page in
the right hand upper corner. I “USED” to be able to click on that and a drop-down menu would
show who or what company(s) were trying to track me.
From that menu, I had what ones to allow or block.
Since I last up-dated the Avast Program (in “program up-date” available…ver. 2014.9.0.2011), I no longer
have that “feature”! (?) I’m running Mozzila Firefox as well.

Ya, this is what I had on chrome and ON firefox. I disabled this option and its gone BUT my 300x250 ads are still being blocked. No idea why and I cant figure this out. I even disabled avast completely to see if my ads would show, and they still do not.