Updated & Screensaver wont work

Was using Avasts screensaver happily before latest update, now when I select Avast as my screensaver & then click settings to choose my own screensaver to run with avast no dialog box or anything else happens :cry: (are these flies or tears on me?)

Here is some update information:

Operating system: Windows98 ver 4.10, build 2222 [ A ]
ERROR:insLoadPackage returned:0x20000006
ERROR:Other HTTP error.

  • Program: Already up to date
    (current version 4.0.202)
  • Vps: Already up to date
    (current version 0304-0)
  • iNews: Already up to date

Any help appreciated Thanks

Jakr8, thereĀ“s bug in build 4.0.202, also in build 4.0.204. The screensaver doesnĀ“t work, nor the boot scan. We will release new, repaired build as soon as possible. We are sorry for this problemā€¦

Jakr8, thereĀ“s bug in build 4.0.202, also in build 4.0.204. The screensaver doesnĀ“t work, nor the boot scan. We will release new, repaired build as soon as possible. We are sorry for this problem...
Thanks I appreciate that :)

;)P.S. For other forum readers The art of brown nosing Subject

[XP]: ScreenSaver doesnā€™t work anymore!