Updated to avast 5, cant boot now, not even safe mode

I have been getting the update message from Avast for a week or so, so tonight I let it update to Avast 5. The last step was to reboot. The system never rebooted. Actualy it continously reboots. As soon as the Windows screen apears, the BIOS POST starts again. I can get to the F8 boot menu, but safe mode does the same thing. Has anyone else seen this, and how can I fix the problem.

Updated to add I am using XP SP2

I have exactly the same problem. Updated this weekend, and my computer won’t reboot. I am running XP pro on a Pentium 4 with 2 gig of ram. Everything worked fine until the reboot. I also use avast on a netbook with Windows7. Updated it and it works fine.

If anybody knows how I can fix this problem, I would appreciate the info.