Updated to Avast 6, but getting notifications on Avast 5...

I have recently updated my Avast 5 program to Avast 6, and after rebooting my computer I get a notification from Windows Security Alerts saying that Avast 5 has been turned off. Is there a way around this problem? I would really like to know.

Problem is with windows security center.

What OS are you using ?

I’m using Vista Home Premium SP2

It could be because you updated v5 to v6 through the v5 gui. The Avast files in that case are still in a folder called Avast5. If you do a clean install of v6, the files are in a folder called simply Avast.

Sup BL?

I have Windows XP, if you do as well, you can do a repair of Avast with the instructions below. I assume other OS’ are similar. Sure someone will respond if the instructions below are different for Windows 7 or Vista.

Try a repair of Avast. Sometimes Windows Security Center does funny things after an update when things are ok.

To repair Avast,

1.) Close all open and minimized Windows
2.) Open your computer’s control panel
3.) Go to Add/Remove Programs- Find Avast in the list, Click Remove, but don’t remove it. A screen will appear with several prompts. Select “Repair.”
4.) Follow any other prompts that appear.
5.) Close out of Control Panel after doing the prompts. If you are not prompted to reboot after the repair of Avast, wait 30 seconds with everything closed, and reboot anyway. The Windows Security Center should now be updated and in sync with Avast.


Whilst a clean install might resolve this, but essentially it is a WSC issue of it not updating its database.

This should be less hassle, so I would try this first:
See http://windowsxp.mvps.org/repairwmi.htm, this also mentions Vista, so that may be valid for win7.
For Windows 7 also see Win7 WMI Repair