Everything explained in the subject. Since today avast detects every apps as multiple trojans.
I checked VPS version, it’s 140109-01
Shouldn’t the fake detection problem be fixed with this definition’s version?
Thanks in advance
Everything explained in the subject. Since today avast detects every apps as multiple trojans.
I checked VPS version, it’s 140109-01
Shouldn’t the fake detection problem be fixed with this definition’s version?
Thanks in advance
For me it’s working fine since I updated to the new VPS version. no issues. I performed a Virus Scan without problems.
It’s also worked for me… After the update, have you tried stopping avast then opening it again and running another scan, Sendll ?
the “Malware found” will disappear once all apps are rescanned, you can speed this up by performing the virus scan manually as Blobba suggested (Virus Scanner from dashboard, preferably check both apps and storage and run the scan).
Hi, after a few reboot, the problem seems to be gone. Thanks all for the help.
Another problem though, how can I access the ignore list to “un-ignore” the apps I put on the list to regain control of my phone during the bad VPS period?
I can’t find a way to access the ignore list, now that no malwares are found anymore…
Thanks again for the help
Virus-Scan → Protokoll → Ignore-List
Yeah, in English it’s “Log” in the middle
But if you only tapped on “Ignore” on the virus dialog, you won’t see anything there cause that is only a temporary (15 mins) ignore
yeah sorry, I’m using the german version. Missed to translate the whole one 8)
No problem, thanks for helping
Problem solved,
Thank you all for your help!
Had the same problem. After reading your comments I restarted my phone and I’m scaning it again right now. It looks good! … and it finished. No problems found! (before: 50+ problems found)
Thank you!