i always seem to get an error when avast pro checks for updatas on a standard account why? need admin right? running vista home pre.
As far as I’m aware you need admin rights for program updates but not for VPS updates.
its vps updates it wont dowload and istall
What are the errors you are getting ?
Have you tried a manual update ?
well only error i get is when i click it up comes up and asks for the admin password. as for manul yes it works as long as i put the admin pssword on.
Sorry I don’t use Vista and really don’t know the horrendous UAC if that is getting in on the act on the Auto Update. I guess you could try disabling UAC (don’t ask ;D) and see if the next auto update goes through unmolested.
haha i like that molested. good one
If avast! is run from non-admin account, it does spawn the setup process using the service with LocalSystem rights. So it should update program without problem, at least on XP.
So it should be possible to run whole program update from an limited user account, avast’s setup was designed that way.
On Vista, the admin account is protected by UAC. I never had a ‘common-user’ on Vista, just the admin account with UAC. Seems easier and safer.
its seems that under vista it updates because i click about avast and it shows its been updated when under the user accounts it shows a red box. now im think UAC has something or alot to do with this could this be changed? with in the program to allow it though UAC?
When? Just after booting/login or at any time the red box comes?
If you manually invoke the update, does the red box come? Does the update fail?
after its loged in and avast either does a PUSH update or a timed not sure but it seems to update and then says a error happen i click it and them UAC is invoked asking for admin password.
This will happen if you manually start updating as the icon runs in a non-admin environment.
Which firewall do you use? Is avast.setup allowed to connect?
using windows firewall
Please, post the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log
here the log:
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 general Started: 13.04.2008, 22:02:06
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 general Running setup_av_pro-491 (1169)
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 system Operating system: Windows Vista ver 6.0, build 6001, sp 1.0 [Service Pack 1]
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 system Memory: 56% load. Phys:1036088/2097151K free, Page:3604692/4194303K free, Virt:2032916/2097024K free
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 system Computer WinName: BROCK-PC
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 system Windows Net User: SYSTEM
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 general Cmdline: /verysilent /noreboot /stopstat “C:\Windows\TEMP\aswUpdSum.ini”
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 general Operation set to INST_OP_STOP_STAT
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 general Old version: 491 (1169)
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 system Using temp: C:\Windows\TEMP_av_proI.tm~a04812 (113840M free)
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 general SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 system Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 (113840M free)
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 package Part prg_av_pro-491 is installed
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 package Part vps-8041400 is installed
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 package Part news-4b is installed
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 package Part setup_av_pro-491 is installed
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 package Part jrog-36 is installed
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 general Old version: 491 (1169)
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 package Transferred: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 package Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 0
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 file NeedReboot=false
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 general Return code: 0x20000001 [Nothing done]
13.04.2008 22:02:06.000 1208142126 general Stopped: 13.04.2008, 22:02:06
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 general Started: 13.04.2008, 22:32:34
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 general Running setup_av_pro-491 (1169)
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 system Operating system: Windows Vista ver 6.0, build 6001, sp 1.0 [Service Pack 1]
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 system Memory: 58% load. Phys:982748/2097151K free, Page:3553052/4194303K free, Virt:2032916/2097024K free
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 system Computer WinName: BROCK-PC
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 system Windows Net User: SYSTEM
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 general Cmdline: /verysilent /noreboot /stopstat “C:\Windows\TEMP\aswUpdSum.ini”
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 general Operation set to INST_OP_STOP_STAT
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 general Old version: 491 (1169)
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 system Using temp: C:\Windows\TEMP_av_proI.tm~a02560 (113821M free)
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 general SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 system Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 (113821M free)
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 internet SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 internet SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 package Part prg_av_pro-491 is installed
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 package Part vps-8041400 is installed
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 package Part news-4b is installed
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 package Part setup_av_pro-491 is installed
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 package Part jrog-36 is installed
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 general Old version: 491 (1169)
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 package Transferred: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 package Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 0
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 file NeedReboot=false
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 general Return code: 0x20000001 [Nothing done]
13.04.2008 22:32:34.000 1208143954 general Stopped: 13.04.2008, 22:32:34
Difficult for me to say… nothing is being done… are you sure you ‘can’t’ update or the update is already there, working and there is nothing to do?