Hi, hope someone can help. I bought and ran Avast Updater 3 weeks ago and proudly ran it, it found loads to update!
Ever since then, my PC (Win10) runs slowly and maybe twice a day a DOS window appears, the first line of which says;
“FINDSTR: Cannot open C:\ProgramData\acer\Updater2\updater2.xml
The system cannot find the path specified
Cannot access file c:\Program Files \DriverSetupUtility\FUB+”
It goes on for another 4 times looking in turn for packard bell, gateway, founder, and then stops. See attachment. The PC is an Acer.
I would greatly prefer it if it didn’t, and it may be slowing my PC down. How do I get rid of it? I have restarted the machine several times.
I am having the same issue with the Updater. were u able to uninstall it? and did the DOS message stop?
additionally, since installing the updater most all of my programs and apps upload then freeze or (NOT RESPONDING) . I have to restart and it starts all over again.
I’m having the same problem, I uninstalled it and I’m still getting the problem.
I can’t even tell what it’s flagging up because it’s gone to quickly to see. Apart from anything else, does anyone know how to record it? Screenshot is too blurry since it’s so small on a 17" screen.
I am having the same problem
The windows updates since 2.5.2020 (when I used the update driver) fail all.
What can I do ?
Restore - maybe, but what ?