Updates fail

For some odd reson I can’t get updates. (Right click on the blue ball, choose update) This is what I did prior:

  1. Formatted the system
  2. Installed XP pro
  3. Installed ZoneAlarm
  4. Connected to the net
  5. Installed Avast (after install Avast dl’ed/installed the vps update)
  6. Got all MS updates
  7. Installed all my other applications
  8. Changed my temp dir to c:\temp\

Here is a screenshot from the error and a part out of the debug log:


Removing, rebooting and reïnstalling Avast didn’t solved it.

For now, forget about this post. :wink:

It seems like I have it fixed. Was forgetting to reboot to let the changes take effect :smiley:

Everything seems to work fine now.

That’s sometimes called the old "Kick my Bootie syndrome:
“When we make changes and then forget to re-boot,
Sometimes we kick our selves right in the ass.” :slight_smile: ;D :slight_smile: