can anybody tell what is the problem. i am using avast antivirus 5 in my winxp machine. whenever i try to download the updates from the website and run it on my computer i get the error msg. anybody help me plz…
One of the virus definitions database has a problem.
Try to update manually to correct it.
What was the error ?
I believe I’m having the same problem. When I try to update the virus database Avast! returns this message: Last encountered error: Cannot connect to (
My system is running Windows 7 Ultimate 65
My Avast! version is 5.0.594
Virus definitions version 100806-0
Check suggestions.
I rather doubt this is the same as the link as the errors/actions are different “I don’t get past the “Initializing” phase. Nothing happens.” Rather than what appears to be firewall blocking in this case.
@ ENScroggs
What is your firewall ?
Does it allow avast.setup internet access ?
- If it does delete the entry for it and do a manual update, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.
I’m using the default Windows 7 firewall. I thought about the firewall as a possible source of the problem. When I checked there was no entry for Avast! on the permitted list. I added Avast! and rebooted. No change, Avast! is still unable to contact the update server. As an experiment I turned off the firewall entirely and then tried to update Avast!. No luck.
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit
I don’t know if you enabled the outbound protection in the win7 firewall as it isn’t enabled by default ?
It shouldn’t get in the way if you didn’t enable it, so there is something else going on.
If you have outbound protection enabled - What exactly did you enter in the permitted list ?
It would have to be the full path to avast.setup and this file isn’t usually created until the update process is started.
Do you use a proxy to connect to the internet ?
If not try setting the avast Settings, Updates, Proxy setting to Direct connection (no proxy) and see if that helps.
If not - Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
Outbound connections that do not match a rule are allowed
Inbound connections that do not match a rule are blocked
On Wednesday I discovered that a drive-by install of the scareware fraud “Antivirus 2010” was running. I used Malwarebytes to remove it.
I just removed Avast! and used the aswClear utility after a reboot. I have just now reinstalled Avast! and it won’t update!!