Updates problems and security off

says broken package and windows security centre also warns me avast security reports it is turned off but when I click on turn on now
nothing happens
yet avast itself says its all okay

controlpanel > ad/remove programs > avast > click uninstall > on the popup box there is a option to repair avast > wait 2 min and reboot

got ‘error processing packages, please use full update’

try to download and run the update, then reboot http://www.avast.com/download-update

if that dont do it try a reinstall

remove with this and reboot (run in safe mode) http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility
then install again and reboot

report back

will try and let you know
it was all okay until my computer shut down on its own and restarted a hour ago, could I have been hacked?

Anything is possible but That is unlikely.
Follow the instruction laid out by Pondus and let us know how it went. :slight_smile:

I had to reinstall it but works good now thanks

You’re welcome
@Pondus…Thanks :wink: :slight_smile: