??? Lately I have been receiving many “Update Failed”, the package is broken ! I guess your servers are very busy since almost everyone where I work is using Avast at home (after I pointed out that it is an excellent antivirus program .
Updates should be recieved at low traffic, try reparing avast! Are you using Windows XP? If you are, follow these instructions:
Go to control panel
Click on “Add or Remove Program”
Find “avast!”
Click the button “Change/Remove”
Scroll down till you see a “Repair”
Click “Next”
After your done, restart your computer.
Tried repair week ago and did not correct problem!
It only does this once a week but updates properly most of the time! I am not the only one experiencing this problem, quite a few of my fellow employees are noticing this ! I have used Avast for years and really suspect server problems (or the 50 computers are also screwed ;D) I am on High Speed DSL so I can not see download problems.
What connection are you using? (DSL, Cable, etc.)
My updates are just a bit slower than it usually was.
I am on High Speed DSL !
While I am in a different part of the broadband forest (in northern California) I am seeing none of the update issues that you and your fellow employees in Canada are.
That comment alone is, I know, of little comfort to you but it may suggest another issue is involved rather than just pointing the finger at the Avast servers in central Europe.
Are you using a firewall that allows avast! and other programs to access the internet?
I have dsl also but never have any problems updating!But i am from europe so maybe that has something to do with it.
FIXER:in his post joeloucyn said that it’s not only his machine with the problem but also his friends and i doubt that they all have the same firewall installed , so maybe it really is something with the servers!Maybe someone from Allwill could comment?
you have no access problem to Avast in Europe, I have no access problem on the west coast of the US, we are not seeing a whole lot of “me too” access problems on this thread … just what kind of problem do you think the Alwil team has implemented just so that they can deny access to joeloucyn and fellow employees in Canada?
I really doubt the Avast folks have any grievance with Canada.
i’m sorry i didn’t really look at what i was writting(early in the morning for me here)Not the allwill team i’m thinking more ISP(maybe he could contact them), i just wanted someone from allwill to comment on this maybe they would know something more(they are the experts here i believe)!Man you Americans are always quick to attack aren’t you?I’m joking don’t take me serious!I wasn’t clear in my post really but that happens when English is not your spoken language sometimes + sleppy !So i don’t know just making suggestions trying to help…
P.S:joeloucyn have you tried reinstalling (not repair) Avast?
Almost all servers are located in the USA. There are definitely no anti-canadian filters ;D
To get closer to the error, we’d need to see the setup.log file from avast4\setup directory. At least the part where the error is shown.
Updated OK today! Strange that this problem happens only once a week! ??? I am on Sympatico Ultra High Speed but SOME of my friends are on dial-up and other DSL providers apparently do not have this problem ! Sympatico has had DNS errors, so it seems to be a Sympatico problem !! :-[
I did a double check on this problem and all my friends with this problem are on SYMPATICO!!! So I believe SYMPATICO’S DNS servers are the problem! I have hard cored another ISP’s DNS servers please see this thread http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,13181397
So it’s working now? That’s an interesting read, looks like you need to change your ISP >:(
Sympatico is the largest ISP in Canada and ,even though the speed is great, it does have it’s failings! If you take a look in DSL Reports forums, it would seem that every ISP has pros and cons. Sympatico sometimes goes out of its way!!! ;D
So changing the dns servers worked?I guess you can live with an update error from time to time if it doesn’t bother you
Changing DNS servers has solved my update problems. No errors updating now.