At the moment, an alert message appears saying my virus definitions are out of date with an update button to select, once selected this then brings up the app with a screen telling me exactly the same message and option to update, and when I update for the second time, it shows me a screen with a message telling me my virus definitions are out of date, with nothing to show they are being updated. This UI design leaves a lot to be desired.
I should be able to select the update button on the alert, which should then show me the actual update screen in the app which should state the virus definitions are in the process of being updated.
wich avast version? for versions 9 to 11 the support has ended,if laidest version: repair avast>restart pc and check,if not,uninstall and reinstall your avast product
After following the steps your friend informed you, go to this link and download the offline file and install it.
Thanks for the replies.
Avast Free Antivirus, version 24.2.6104 (build 24.2.8904.819). Have tried repair/restart, delay (due to wait for next update alert to try it out), but no change.
Do I really need to reinstall the software? It’s up to date already, only installed a couple of months ago on windows 11.
hello:welcam back: 1,avast is the only antivirus installed? if yes,check in windows defender firewal if the avast has permition to conect,if not,change this in defender firewal,if dont fixit,then yes,uninstall and then reinstall avast,if you have more then one antivirus,remove all security programs,remove avast,then reinstall
Hi, Thanks for the reply.
Windows firewall allows inbound traffic for Avast UI (TCP and UDP). Have added outbound. Will try at next update alert.
But is the behaviour I have with Avast Antivirus Free for update alerts not what everybody else gets as well, or do they just click update once, and it informs them the update is in progress?
Unless you’ve made changes to the default settings, updates happen on their own.
You can manually check and do updates but unless you’re paranoid, not something that you need to worry about.
Hi, Thanks for the reply.
I understand automatic updates are possible, but I’m testing api response times and don’t want any network activity going on in the background. Is the manual update notification working as it’s supposed to, because if so, it’s bad ui design. A user shouldn’t have to click the notification update, then click the same update in the app, then be showed a screen which states the virus definitions are out of date, forgetting to mention that the update is actually in progress.
I answered this in another post of yours:
You didn’t respond.
Thanks for the reply.
Firstly, sorry, I had mistakenly posted on the next post not this one.
To reply to what you kindly posted:
I’m not clicking on the tray icon and updating from there, I have set the option to be notified of updates. Its when this notification appears in the bottom right corner of the screen I have to click ‘update’, then click the same ‘update’ in the app to do the update, which then brings up the screen stating saying my virus definitions are out of date, but not that the update is in progress.
Having to click ‘update’ twice, then not being told the update is in progress but again that ‘your virus definitions are out of date’ seems like bad UI design to me.