Updates via and without proxy (office vs. home)


I’m using Avast Pro 4.8 on my laptop and I’m fighting with a proxy every day. As I’m using proxy (automatic script configuration) in my office and at home direct connection, there are several problems/annoyances.

If I set direct connection for Avast update, it can update only at home and in office it troubles me with red message boxes “can’t update”.
If I set direct address for proxy (doesn’t work with proxy script), it can update only in office and at home it troubles me with red message boxes “can’t update”.
IE7 has intelligent proxy config, so if I set some proxy and this server is not available (at home), it tries to connect with direct connection (same as Skype e.g.), so no problem with annoying proxy switching. If I set “use IE settings” for Avast update, it is not working in office neither at home. If I try to manually update Avast (using IE settings), it works.


Best of all these 3 choices is maybe to have possibility for update at work as I’m longer online in office than at home.
But - has anyone better solution?

Thanks a lot.

Indeed there isn’t a different profile of proxies into avast…
I hope the automatic mode should work, but you’ve telling us it’s not…
Maybe you can use NetProfiles (freeware): http://www.milnersolutions.com/netprofiles/