Many times I get the red updating error pop-up because avast! tries to update before my laptop is connected to the internet. I connect my laptop to the internet wireless mostly with my DSL or with free WIFI at restaurants, libraries, etc. My desktop has a wired connection to DSL & never has a problem with avast! updating. Wireless connecting is slower than wired. So that no one will misunderstand me, once connected WIFI is just as fast as wired. Its just getting connected takes longer.
In the next program update of avast!, can avast! be programmed to check for internet access before updating? The same thing happens if I just want to work off-line, obviously.
It does check before it tries to connect and there are two things that can cause a problem.
although the connection is present, it hasn’t been fully established.
some firewalls block internet access untill they and windows is fully loaded (comodo for one).
Edit the \DATA\avast4.ini file using notepad or text editor of choice, [InetWD] section, add this line or edit it, AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=120, where 120 is the delay in seconds (the default is 30 seconds) and save.
I’m not arguing, but if the internet connection isn’t fully established why wouldn’t avast! reject it?
2. If the firewall blocks the internet connection then avast! should detect no internet connection & wait for a connection.
As I said, I’m not arguing, I’m just trying to understand avast!'s interpreting of internet connections.