Updating Free 4.8. 1187 to Free 4.8.1192

As I have the beta installed can I use the program update within Avast to update to 1192?

I am sure this is how I did it the last time, so please refresh my memory.

Windows 98 S.E

Oh I see the answer already, sorry bout that.


One thing I wanted to ask to refresh my memory is when the final is ready, can I invoke the program update just like when there is a beta refresh to update to any final releases.

Now remember I do know that a final is not readily available, I just want to be prepared on what to do when the time comes.

Sorry if this has previously been asked.

That answer is also in that topic, no need to uninstall and reinstall just use the manual program update or wait until the auto update kicks in and that will update to the latest released version.

Yeah, thanks DavidR,

It would appear that it’s better to be using a Beta, that way we can invoke program updates without the need for the uninstalling and reinstalling, and of course also when a final is available too.

Would you possibly agree with that statement?

No, I wouldn’t agree with the statement or recommend using the beta version unless you are up to dealing with the possible impact of there being a problem on a system that may be your only system. Or you are advised to try it to overcome a specific problem you are experiencing in the regular version, which has been fixed/modified in the beta build.

Beta testing isn’t something to be entered into lightly, though the avast beta releases do seem to be more stable than others I have tried before and one of the few I would be prepared to use.

So it isn’t something to use as a means of not having to uninstall/reinstall as that isn’t a requirement with avast’s update function, it will update to the latest version without the need for an uninstall and reinstall, either using the manual program update or the auto update.

Yes, you’ll enter the official release stream.

I encourage all the people that can to enter in beta. The most testers, the most (if any) problems solved.
You can always downgrade (install from the scratch) the old version if you wand (or need).
The avast beta are quite stable.


It looks like you and DavidR have a slightly different variation on whether to use a Beta or not…

I have no problems with any of the Beta’s, and I am quite happy helping with the tests.

I just hope I don’t have the problem that people are posting about the Microsoft Outlook error message, if I do get this when I have upgraded to 1192 I will let you know.

I just hope I don't have the problem that people are posting about the Microsoft Outlook error message, if I do get this when I have upgraded to 1192 I will let you know.

I wouldn’t say its an error message - for me it seems just like an info message… :slight_smile:
also because everything works normally and without problems - although this message appears… :wink:


EDIT: with this post I wanted to say that i wouldn’t worry if this message also appears on your system…


the Outlook error message is related to the avast self-protection. You do not have self-protection in Windows 98SE - the problem cannot affect you.