Updating problems

I am running HP IntelR CeleronR CPU 280Ghz…MW XP SP2…I couldn’t install avast ,so I started it up in safe mode and it install…but now I cannot update to newer verisons…this is the message I get…I have all administrator,rights…

29.12.2005 12:26:49 general: Started: 29.12.2005, 12:26:49
29.12.2005 12:26:49 general: Running setup_av_pro-28c (652)
29.12.2005 12:26:49 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2]
29.12.2005 12:26:49 system: Computer WinName: WEESIE
29.12.2005 12:26:49 system: Windows Net User: WEESIE\Lisa
29.12.2005 12:26:49 general: Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /silent /progress
29.12.2005 12:26:49 general: DldSrc set to inet
29.12.2005 12:26:49 general: Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES
29.12.2005 12:26:49 general: Old version: 28c (652)
29.12.2005 12:26:49 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
29.12.2005 12:26:49 system: Computer DnsName: weesie
29.12.2005 12:26:49 system: Computer Ip Addr:
29.12.2005 12:26:49 internet: SYNCER: Type: 1
29.12.2005 12:26:49 internet: SYNCER: Auth: 2
29.12.2005 12:26:50 package: Part prg_av_pro-28c is installed
29.12.2005 12:26:50 package: Part vps-55201 is installed
29.12.2005 12:26:50 package: Part news-48 is installed
29.12.2005 12:26:50 package: Part setup_av_pro-28c is installed
29.12.2005 12:26:50 general: Old version: 28c (652)
29.12.2005 12:26:50 registry: ERROR!:Cannot access registry HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\avastTestService, error code: 0x00000002
29.12.2005 12:26:50 general: Err:Not enough user rights to continue.

I’m not sure that it will have been installed correctly in safe mode (could well be wrong) did you try to update it from safe mode?

On the install from safe mode perhaps the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\avastTestService doesn’t have read access rights to all only ‘The Administrator’ not those with administrator rights, you could check that.

Failing that I suggest you download the latest version 4.6.744 and save it to your HDD boot into safe mode and uninstall avast, reboot and install the latest version using ‘The Administrator’ account not just an account with admin rights and reboot.

From your log it looks like you have an old version 229.12.2005 12:26:49 general: Running setup_av_pro-28c (652)"

avast can’t be installed in Safe Mode as the Windows Installer service cannot run for installations at Safe Mode.
On contrary, avast could be uninstalled at Safe Mode.

Is there more than one account with Administrator rights?