I solved most problems (even if on some machines i still have minor glithces)… now i’m into updating… push? pop? how to configure?
Well, PUSH is not an option for the individual clients. It’s just a mirror thing.
The default intervals are set pretty low, if I remember correctly they’re preset so that the machines should get the updates no later than 30 minutes after they’re published on our servers.
cool, what about the config parameters in Mirroring settings?
mirror http port?
POP3 server, user and pass?
Mirror HTTP port shouldn’t normally be changed (that’s the port number used by the mirror HTTP server) unless you have a good reason to do so (e.g. conflict with another application that’s using port 5033).
POP3 server, username and pwd is the PUSH-updating thing.
Here is some introduction to the PUSH updates: http://www.avast.com/i_idt_152.html#7
In case of ADNM, you should have a special mailbox that will be used exclusively for the PUSH updates. It can be either on your own mailserver or any other (e.g. hotmail) - the only requirement is that it be accessible via the POP3 protocol.
You then subscribe the iAVS service to that mailbox – http://www.avast.com/i_idt_112.html and enter the mailbox details to that mirror settings in the Console. This will force the AMS to pop new messages from the mail server and interpret the iAVS mails as updating triggers.
Hope this clears it a bit.
i’m gonna try it and let u know, thanx!
alright… i have a problem
i setup the config in mirroring, enable push and fill in pop, user & pass.
if i commit and later reopen the mirroring config… the pop is turned in a random numeric value, tha password field goes blank and the user is the only thing which stays the same.
Fine, seems to replicate here. Will be fixed soon. Thanks and sorry.
glad to be helpful
this problem still persist with the version that fixed the hang on AEB group
right, this is fixed in another binary file (not asaAdmin.exe). I’ll send a patched version shortly…
cool, thanx!
Here’s the update binary: http://cat.asw.cz/~vlk/asaCfgP.dll
Please note that the password field still shows real characters instead of ***'s – that’s changed in another DLL (the language DLL) but that one has 3MB and it’s probably worthless to update this in your installation as it doesn’t really bring any new functionality…
works fine!