I have been wondering about this for a while. Can anyone tell me for sure?
After installing a program update (not a definition update) the computer needs to reboot. I understand this.
But, is the system still protected with the old version until the reboot, or is the system unprotected until the reboot?
I ask this because I would like to set auto-program update on some clients computers, but I do not know when they will reboot. It may be a day or 2 later, and I do not want them unprotected.
After installing a program update (not a definition update) the computer needs to reboot. I understand this.
not all updates need a reboot
But, is the system still protected with the old version until the reboot, or is the system unprotected until the reboot?
I ask this because I would like to set auto-program update on some clients computers, but I do not know when they will reboot. It may be a day or 2 later, and I do not want them unprotected.
i always change this on windows update...default is 3 at night so i change it to lunch time 12 ....when i know the comps are on
Thanks Pondus for the quick reply, but I need some clarification.
Of course, my question only relates to Avast updates that require a reboot.
I asked: “But, is the system still protected with the old version until the reboot, or is the system unprotected until the reboot?”
You answered: “yes”
Yes, the system IS protected, or yes the system is UN-protectected?
My question is in regards to Avast’s update. Not Windows update. Avast’s Update Settings, by default, “Ask When An Update Is Available” for Program updates. I am considering switching this to Automatic update for the Program updates.
I ask because I have a restaurant client that cannot reboot their computer during the day when Avast may have a program update. So typically, the client postpones the update for a couple of weeks until someone finally updates it before they open in the morning.
The computer gets rebooted only every few days.
Can I let Avast install the program update, and be confident that my clients computer is still protected until they do their next reboot and the new update can take effect?
lets say there is a new virus out in the wild that require a engine change to be able to detect it…then of course you want be protected for that specific bug until you restart so the changes take effect