Updating to an unconnected machine

I have another computer, used by my children, which is not connected to the internet and so I cant update directly. Please, does anyone have any advice on how to do this from my updated version on my computer via a usb pen drive or CD or floppy?

Hi and welcome,
The download from this link can be saved to portable media then installed on an isolated machine
:wink: good luck

Dear Avegelist!

Thanks for the speedy reply. I am downloading as I speak.

I did actually come across that page when I checked the site at first but left it before reading the whole thing because it was all about internet updating. I see now that the salient fact was buried in brackets at the end: “(e.g. if your computer does not have any Internet connection)”.

One further question: Is this .exe only a virus definition update? What about program updates?

Many thanks

vpsupdate.exe is just the av database
setup(eng).exe is whole program, it works as an upgrader, if the program is already installed.

Thanks ous.