Updating Virus Database using apk files ?

Went through a few FAQs but couldn’t find my answer.

I was able to download the “engine” of AMS as an apk file and it was installed on both my Android phone and my Android tablet, and the program seems to be running very well on both.

Using 4G I was able to update my AMS program on my phone. But my tablet does not have a built-in phone and my Wi-Fi connection isn’t that great.

Is there a resource where I could find database updates as apk files ?

Thank you! ::slight_smile:


no public location really, sorry. But are you really talking about updating the virus database or the app as a whole?


Dear Filip.

I’m referring to the regular virus database updates in apk file formats?

I cannot access the Internet properly with the tablet. Right now, I am finding stuff on my laptop and transferring them to the tablet. That is how I installed the avast “engine”. Now how can I do updates using the same downloading process?

Thank you! §:c)


as I said, there is not public location for that at the moment, sorry. What you can do if you have another Android device that can connect to Internet is just to take the updated definitions file and replace the one on the tablet with it. It should work, although you might need to kill Mobile Security from device Settings first and you should also delete all native libraries (.so) you will find in the Mobile Security data directory.


Thank you for your quick response.

I never managed understanding enough of the Android structure to find .so files on either devices. They are probably hidden.

I did however managed to turn the phone into a wi-fi hotspot which the tablet could talk to.
So I did a regular update on the tablet (finally) using the phone as an Internet resource. :wink:


that’s great, I think that this way is a lot easier than trying to do it manually :slight_smile:
