I’m running the Avast Free version 11.1.2253 and I’m getting pop ups to update to the latest version.
What I want to know is – if I update through the programme will that SafeZone browser thing be placed on my PC automatically again. I got rid of it the first time round and I don’t want it again.
If that is the case how do I go about updating without SafeZone appearing again.
Since you are currently running an old version of avast, which I don’t believe records your having uninstalled SZ Browser you would get it again. Later versions of avast 2016 11.2.xxxx I believe did record this so you shouldn’t get it in that instance.
Your best option is to download the full installation file and do a custom install unchecking the options that you don’t want.
EDIT: although this topic isn’t the very latest version, the links do lead to the latest version, download and save to your system and use that to install over the top of your current version:
OK thanks I’ll do that. Thanks for the links too.