Upgrade or not plz help

first of i gotta say that Ive been a long time user of avast and it has never failed me, i would like to thank the avast team and the avast community for the worlds no.1 security product.

Now here is my problem i have been using avast 6 on 2 computers and also been prescribing it to other sick computers, but i have this other computer that i have kept with avast 4.8 for 2 reasons

1-avast 4.8 had a feature that used to back up important data so that it could be used in case of a breakdown. i have not seen that implemented in later versions

2-avast 4.8 used to check memory every time you started or brought up the user-interface. this feature always gave me peace of mind that nothing was going on in the background where normal scans didn’t go.

so finally here is what I’m asking does version 6 have these features or not and if does or doesn’t what should i do? do i upgrade or not
thank you

Of course you should upgrade, what is the point in staying with an outdated product that has less protective features ???
I would also suggest a clean install of the new avast to alieviate any problems that might arise from installing over the top.

Yes of course what you say is true but my main concern is the 2 points that I made all I want to know is that
Are they still existent or not and if not why did avast remove them and also were they good enough features to warant such a reaction from me lol

They are gone still.

I wasn’t aware old 4.8 had any kind of “data backup”…it had VPS rollback if I remember right, is that what you are talking about?

As far as the memory scan, it became obsolete, so there was no point in keeping it around. You can still scan memory manualy or set up a custom scheduled scan to replicate the behavior you miss. But trust me…it would literally be only for peace of mind, it does nothing for security and can produce strange detections and false positives.

Yes vps rollback thank you for pointing that out so why remove it wasn’t it a good feature?
If you dont mind I would like to know why the memory check became obsolete and how can I recreate it manually in avast 6?
Thank you

it backed up some system files it could use if it needed to clean/replace files

the reason this is gone are of course that the avast team dont see any use for it longer…
remeber they have played with malware 24/7 for many years so the know what works and not

If you dont mind I would like to know why the memory check became obsolete and how can I recreate it manually in avast 6?
OBS: [b]do not[/b] use the "scan memory" setting in avast 5/6 as this will give some strange results the forum is full if you search

Well, as far as VPS rollback goes…I do not know why they ditched it but…if you upgrade, and stick around, you may just be pleasantly surprised by a near-future program update :wink: :wink: :wink:

Memory scan is obsolete because modern malware does not hide in memory anymore…add to that the fact that people have started layering security applications that load unencrypted virus signatures into memory, thus memory scan will produce way more false positives than real detections, at an unacceptable ratio.

There is no way to replicate the scanning when UI opens that I am aware of…but you can schedule a memory scan as often as you like via a Custom Scan (see the very bottom-right corner of the UI). But as I said…it totally unnecessary.

Yes you have a valid point “avast team knows best” unfortunately im as neurotic as they make them with regards to personal data securty.
I will upgrade and am dying to find out what they’ve got for us fingers crossed.
Well thank you to all contibuters though I wouldnt mind more indepth discussion lol.

Please use the forum’s search function, as you are many months late for this discussion. :wink:

year…long time since avast 5

As far as I’m aware there was never any VPS rollback in avast 4.8.

I still have a collection of old abast 4.x images and I can find nothing related to VPS rollback. The VRDB (Virus Recovery DataBase) has nothing to do with VPS roll back, it allowed for the ‘repair’ of certain files if they became infected. Not all files were covered and the user couldn’t select what file should be covered.

In all the time I user avast with the VRDB, I never saw one occasion that it was used in anger ‘Repair option if infected’ in the forums and that was several years (probably 5) before avast 5.0 came out removing the VRDB concept because malware infections had moved on and became harder to actually repair an infected file.

There are repair routines built into avast 6.0 and these would be updated and added to in the course of time (Don’t ask me what they are, I don’t know).

So all in all the VRDB concept had its life span and something new needed to be developed, to replace it and it only related to true virus infections.


Considering avast! 7 beta should be out shortly, the discussion is mute. :o

Good point, Bob.

Ah, thats what it was, yes. I only used ver4 once for a couple months, so memory was sketchy.

Very sketchy, since the two have nothing in common other than the letter “V”. :-[

Thanks for clarifying. :wink:

The only reason I see to keep using v4.8 would be the version of Windows: if you use Windows 95 / 98 / ME, then avast 5 / 6 / 7 (near future) is not for that system. Otherwise, avast 6 uses less resources and in several ways it has better protection than v4.8.

Yes thank you for that my mind is old and frail kept forgetting the name and didnt get up to check it in the old computer thanks again.

I am sorry to not have done that in the first place and by not doing so i have wasted the communities time my apologies to all the good people who have put time and contributed despite it being a waste of a topic and time. Again sorry and thank you for your contributions ill try to post better topics in the future ;D

No problem.

A question to confirm is never a waste of time.

Welcome to the forums.