I just upgraded to 4.6 and now when the Webshield is active (Normal mode) I cannot access any websites. All I get is an alert stating the file is empty. What is wrong?
What exact version of Avast? (looks like x.x.xxx)
What OS?
What exact setting(s) for the webshield provider?
Does disabling the webshieldprovider allows you to browse normally?
Any other security (related) software installed? [if so, which one(s)]
Anything in Avast’s log file about this?
etc etc
Everything was running fine until I did today’s upgrade to Version 4.6.691. As soon as I completed the upgrade and restarted my system the problem started.
Turning off Webshield allows normal Internet access
I have Webshield set to “Normal” with no custom settings
Running Windows XP Professional SP2
I also have Norton Internet Security 2004 running (without Norton AntiVirus) - it had no conflicts beofre today’s upgrade.
What happens if you disable NIS and let only Avast run?
Can you browse then?
The web shield ashWebSv.exe may have been updated and this may have caused NIS to popup a permission window, did you aprove/allow it?
Check to see if ashWebSv.exe is a blocked or allowed application.
That’s it! I thought I had given permission to everything but I had accidentally blocked ashWebSv.exe.
It’s always the simple things that get you ;D