Upgrade to Catalina: File and Ransomware shields blocked

I have followed the directions to allow full system access, but File Shield is showing OFF with an unhelpful “We’re sorry” message. See attachment.

Also, the Ransomware Shield (for which I have a license) refuses to turn on. I authenticate when asked, but it continues to show as OFF.

I am running the latest 14.2 version.

How can I fix these critical problems as soon as possible?

A double restart seems to have unblocked things. Now all shields are working. But only after TWO restarts, weirdly…something’s still funky here, but I am back in business.

hello, that’s a great news that it started to work. However would you mind to send us logs? Send us support packege with a note that’s about this forum topic, please - https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Submit-Mac-Security-support-file
