Upgrade your Fx browser to version 3.0.2!

Hi malware fighters,

Latest version of Fx fixed these issues: http://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/firefox30.html#firefox3.0.2


Executing as I reply here. ;D

I’ve seen more bad than good come from FF 3 with a lot of users, outside of here anyway. I myself will be sticking with FF 2 for a while yet. 8)

What exactly do you mean? ???

My point is that you upgrade for security. It’s the same with every security program and your browser is one. Why being stubborn, there is no valid reason to fear FF3.0.2. Mine works great on my system. No jokes!!! :slight_smile:

[color=blue][b]This is security advisories list for Firefox Why not compare it with the list for 3.0.2, which polonus linked above, and check your comment again? :wink:

Gee, I personally haven’t had any problems with FF-3.

Snap, the only problem I had with FF 3.0 was that not all my add-ons were compatible (though my main security ones were OK), but this didn’t take to long for the add-on writers to catch up with a compatible version.

If that’s the only reason some people stick with their old unsecure version, I’ll stay without these adds-on for a while and surf with my head in peace, so to speak (more secure). ;D

I installed the new update on my old 2002 desktop and it was harder (took 10 minutes to install) and I have an error message when I open the adds-on panel. May be I talked too fast. When you have an old system, you’re a bit in a corner, so to speak. :cry:

Hi gdiloren,

As a Fx test pilot, now with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.1b1pre) Gecko/20080924033412 Minefield/3.1b1pre ID:20080924033412
I know you have to have some two extensions to keep your Fx configuration fine, and your favorite add-ons working all the time, no matter how far you venture out into the trenches with the latest build of this Mozilla browser (Minefield is updated everyday, and is the latest nightly build developer’s version and this is the Fx where you will eventually land to work with as a normal user). I work this version as my browser of choice, and the two extensions that kept my favorite add-on’s vital were Nightly Tester Tools to enforce those extensions that were not updated to the latest versions of Minefield or Firefox 3.0.2. or Flock. To secure all Extensions, Bookmarks, Preferences, Cookies, userChromeFiles, etc. etc. etc. I use FEBE add-on.
I never had a dull moment with Minefield, but it never did anything on me I did not expect, except for a Javascript function in webmail I had to undo because an over rigorous ABP had blocked it.
So use FEBE and Nightly Tester Tools and enjoy the glide with your browser of choice,

your good friend,



Bah. This is probably a regression from bug 451155... The bug fixed buy 451155 could result in invalid UTF8 being written to the file, so now that we try to convert it from UTF8, the bogus data will cause it to fail. sad
We can't recover the login (due to lossy UTF16->ascii conversion), but we
should at least try/catch the UTF8 conversion and delete the login.

I'd be curious to see which line in your profile's signon3.txt is causing the
problem. Could you email me this file? (The passwords are encrypted, but you
can edit out encrypted-looking lines if you'd like.)</blockquote>

This bug is found in FF 3.0.2 and it is critical for the Russian version - you can’t manage your passwords. Developers promise FF 3.0.3 in a week.

Hi George Yves,

You can probably restore them using FEBE: Restore Usernames and Passwords
FEBE (Firefox Environment Backup Extension) download from here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2109 Locales: bg-BG, da-DK, de-DE, el-GR, en-US, es-ES, fa-IR, fi-FI, fr-FR, he-IL, hr-HR, it-IT, ja-JP, ko-KR, nl-NL, pl-PL, ro-RO, ru-RU, sk-SK, sv-SE, tr-TR, uk-UA, zh-CN,
zh-TW and tested on XP and Vista.

P L E A S E tell all people which are not software developers and who have
this problems with passwords too :

  1. open notepad.exe
  2. look for a file signons3.txt in the folder “documents and settings”
    subfolder= nameof user\userdata\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles
  3. open the file signons3.txt in notepad
  4. save the file as ! : leave the name and choose the option save as UTF-8
    ANSI is the standard
  5. restart firefox and afterwards you should have your passwords back :slight_smile:


Well, as you all see, no browser is accually safer than another. They might claim the newest versions to safer temporairly, but the bad guys get thru fairly quick :frowning:

I made the post because several people had problems viewing pages in various other forums that I visit. We treated it from a computer troubleshooting perspective, and isolated it to the installition of FF3. Sure enough, they uninstalled FF3, and went back to FF2, and the problems ceased, so I posted from this expeirence, not just smarting off.

If updating to the very newest stuff that’s released makes you feel safer, then cerntainly do it. But I wont be changing my habbits any time soon. Accually, I feel that after the bad guys do infact exploit things, they seem to move on to conqure the newer things, and leave the existing stuff alone.

With the security that I have in place now, I do use FF2 for probably 90% of my internet activity, and dont have any trouble. The other 10%, I use IE 6, and once again, without any troubles…

Personally I wouldn’t use my browser to manage may passwords as they aren’t as secure as using something like roboform, etc. Whilst firefox is slightly more secure than say IE as it has the ability to have a master password to stop access to the stored passwords.

Hi bunk,

If that is your policy, it is, and you are entitled to it. Anyways I would install the NoScript add-on to feel secure against the old, the new and the not even dreamed of scripting vulnerabilities in older, recent and newer or not yet developed versions of the Mozilla browsers (Minefield, Fx and Flock alike). Without NoScript protection where security is concerned I would feel naked. Then again I hear the young ones murmur “Oh, but handling NoScript is a nag”, but these are beyond help anyway. The n00b clicker surfer is insecure because he does not know better, the guys that should know better but ignore simple security measures are just bluntly “nosewise”, and if they crash or get malware aboard they only have themselves to blame. There it is where it stands at i.m.o.


Thanks Polonus,

I did go do some research on this, but dont believe this is for me, and I dont even feel naked afterwards ;D

If nothing else, this is a cool place to see different ideas on what works best for various users. I’ve never gotten into the add ons, while I did try a couple that I was less than impressed with, I trust my security set up, combined with my knowledge to keep my PCs out of harms way.

Believe this one or not, but i’ve personally had more problems while at photobucket, than any other seemingly more dangerous sites.

I guess I might be more like 70% FF & 30% IE after I think about it a little more :wink:

Could you point out sites where you had these issues?

I didn’t personally witness this, as I said, I didn’t update to version 3

They did post screen shots of their views though.

I think the issues are site specific. Personally, I haven’t experienced the issue. Also, I tried some browser benchmark sites including Acid 3 test. In all the tests, Firefox 3 scored much better than Firefox 2 did. Firefox 3 is not only faster but more compatible than its predecessor is. Firefox 3’s competitor is rather other latest browsers.