Upgraded ROM on rooted Android - Cant Install Any Apps


I’ve just updated the ROM on my rooted Android phone, I’ve gone from CheckROM 3 to version 6.

I have tried to reinstall some apps, but keep on getting a “Error while downloading” message & the app doesn’t download. I have tried to reinstall the Avast app & get the same message.

Does anyone know how I can get around this?


new app installs work fine?


Hi Filip,

No, I cant install any apps through the android market, new or old.

I have managed to install the avast app through the opera store though, but it didn’t recognise that avast was previously installed (which it 100% definitely was)

Seems like a Google Play vs your new ROM issue. Try searching for that on the Internet.


thanks filip.

I still think its an avast issue. I re-flashed the ROM and noticed the following…

When wiping data i get…
Error mounting /sdcard/.android_secure!
Skipping format
Data wipe complete

The cache wipes ok.

When I try to wipe the dalvik I get…
E:unknown volume for path [/sd-ext]
Dalvik Cache wiped

It’s the .android_secure! that makes me think of avast.

That is a standard Android folder, nothing avast! exclusive. There are numerous reports of errors mounting the android_secure folder, for example:



Any solution Filip? Any test that could be done before upgrading the ROM?

Not that I know of, sorry. I think this can’t happen if you upgrade your official ROM or your (simply) rooted official ROM or at least I didn’t see any reports like that.


Thanks Filip.
Another side question: is it better to uninstall the antitheft before flashing a new ROM or, on contrary, it won’t affect and will resurrect after the flashing anyway?

That kinda depends on the definition of “flashing”. If you just update your ROM, the Anti-Theft may survive depending on the update procedure (might be different for each and every ROM). If you “format” the whole internal memory and then install a new ROM, nothing survives (it’s the same with format on your PC).


Well, I understand better now.
The problem is that official ROMs from Google are not upgradable.
Also, afaik, some ROMs (CyanogenMod) does not allow upgrade, only new flash of the ROM. Am I wrong?

Well, they are if the manufacturer decides so :slight_smile:

Don’t know about the CM, I don’t root much in my free time :slight_smile: I think Jan Svehlak will know.


I’m waiting for an upgradable ROM to start doing tests.
The need of complete flashing ROMs from start and then recovering all installed applications is what we run away in Windows… You lose so much time doing this. That’s why we take also full disk/partition backups… to avoid installation from scratch.

If anybody knows an upgradable ROM channel it would be great.