Upgraded to Avast free 8 without asking to?

On a Vista machine SP2 I installed Avast free 7.0.1454 in “compatible mode” as 2nd opinion AV along with my main AV NIS 2013 trial. Installed the Pirate Talk language pack from the Languages settings. Fine. After few minutes Avast started downloading again and the machine asked to restart. Rebooted. Going into the desktop a large window popped up displaying (new) features of Avast 8 and an upgrade button in the right bottom corner. Because I didn’t want to upgrade yet I clicked the “x” in the top right corner. However going to Avast via the system tray icon ball Avast 8 had been installed? Huh? :-[

Installing new features (such as a new language pack) downloads the missing packages from our servers - and only the latest versions are available there.
So the whole program needs to be updated as well, otherwise there would be an inconsistency between the version of the various packages. So yes, your program was updated - that’s how it works, I’m afraid.

Since Avast! 8 does not have the Compatability Mode, It is recomended to remove either NIS or Avast!. Do not run 2 AVs at the same time. Besides issues in performance, your security may be compromised.

So if I choose to install another language (other than the default English) during the setup installation process and choose “German” for example I will get automatically upgraded to the latest version (8 at this time) - that means non-English users can’t use an older version? Or is the latest version only downloaded when you choose a language from the main interface in Language settings (and not during setup)?

The update happens only if additional modules are installed later, not during the initial installation.