Hi ever body, I am a newby so not sure if I am in the right area.
I followed all the instruction, and decided to have 2 years licence paid for via
PayPal, this was actioned by PayPal on the 23/04/14 and I waited for the activation
I contacted the seller NEXWAY via there e-mail address: service@telechargement.fr
and requested my activation key.
PayPal had by now sent a completed message.
NEXWAY answered via e-mail That they would not deal with my request until I filled
there form??
Please can you assist me or advise, I have paid for a service and received nothing.
Thank you in advance
I signed up for this 2mdays ago you was to wait until my free period stopped then charge my debit card, but you did not and today it went thru my bank. I am very upset about this as I am only on social security only. lease add my money back into my bank account.