Upgrading from Home to Professional

Will I have to uninstall Home V4 before installing Professional V4 or can “PRO” be installed directly over the home installation.

depends on what “variety” of Professional you have on your mind.

  • if you mean normal commercial version, it’s ultra-simple: just insert the Pro key to the installed avast! Home Edition; it will be automatically recognized and avast will instantly upgrade itself (requires working Internet connection). :wink:

  • if you mean the trial version, you’ll probably have to uninstall the Home version and then install the Pro.

Hope this helps,

Yes, I mean upgrading from Home (free) which is currently installed my mine and my wifes computer to the Pro (paid for) version.

We have the free version installed at this time and if I read your comments correctly, all I need to do is start up the program and put the new paid for registration numbers in overtop of the FREE registration numbers.

We bought and paid for two (2) serial numbers this morning, have not got them yet.

So If I am wrong on how to do this and need to uninstall the free and then install the PRO version please let me know.

Your product has worked flawlessly on both computers not one single problem. Thank you for the great product


campman, thanks.
As I said, all you need to do is enter the PRO key to the Home Edition installation. It should upgrade itself instantly. ;D

I checked our online store and your order has been processed - you should have gotten the numbers already. :slight_smile:

Thanks again for purchasing the Professional Edition.


Got the registration number for the professional upgrade; followed the email instructions to the letter.

Copied and pasted the serial number in just as the email said. Got a message saying CORRECT serial number, then the programs starts to update itself and then:


File package.vpu is invalid

What do I do now.

please advise me

Strange; I purchased registration number for two computers. I got the above errors on my computer however when I copied and pasted the same number into my wife’s computer it worked perfectly.

I had to uninstall the home version on my computer, downloaded and installed the Pro trail version and then put the new registration number into it and it seems to have accepted in and all is fine for now.

If there is anything I still need to do feel free to let me know.


Too bad you’ve already killed the ‘wrong’ one. Now we can’t even try to check where the suspected bug may have been. (hope I got those tenses right ::slight_smile:

Sorry, I wont be in such a hurry if I run into any problems in the future. I will post the problem and wait to see if you guys want me to send info or files back to you.

I must say that this was the only hiccup the avast has had on either of our two computers.
