I have the following situation: Windows XP Home SP2 (including all updates) , Avast Free edition, Alcatel USB Speedtouch ADSL Modem like the one on the following link.
The ADSL modem is connected to an USB-port, and uses some form of Dial-up Networking for establishing the connection to the ISP. During the connection there is a green icon in the systemtray.
When i use a HTML-form to upload an image or any other kind of file to a website, i.e. an attachment to attach to a Hotmail E-mail message, or an image to a web-auction site like marktplaats.nl or ebay.com, the connection to the ISP gets disconnected. Naturly, the file /email isnt send.
The green icon in the systemtray turns its color to Yellow. Redialing to the ISP doesnt reconnects the internet-connection. The connection can only be restored after a reboot of the PC.
When i disable the On-Access scanner of Avast Antivirus, the described events dont occur. Any file can be ploaded by an HTML-form. When i re-enable the on-access protection and try to upload a file, the Internet connection disconnects.
By these symptomes it is save to say that the disconnection of the internet connection is caused by Avast Antivirus. Is there a solution for this problem ?
If you disable WebShield provider will your connection work? Maybe you have to boot and test again.
You’ve said that a HTML-form while uploading an image or any other kind of file to a website disconnects… well, can you post the HTML link to the upload site?
First off all sorry for not replying on this thread, as due to some unforeseen events I wasnt able to access my computer.
On said computer there’s no other firewall active then built-in Windows XP Firewall, but it doesnt matter if its enabled or not.
I dont know if disabling the webshield circumvents the problem, since I dont have access to the computer this time. I will try it in the upcoming week and post the results here.
Im not able to give a direct link to the uploadform, as the website uses URL-cleaning (dont really know how to describe this, but the Adressbar in FireFox remains “www.marktplaats.nl” during the whole session.
I do know that the problem also occurs when I try to upload an attachment to a Yahoo WEbmail message. When U are logged in to Yahoo, you can use this link
then push th e button “Attach Files” , Browse to search the file to attach and then push “Attach Files”. At this point the webapplication will try to upload the attachments to a (yahoo) server, and then Avast, in conjuction with the forementioned Speedtouch USB modem, disconnects the internetconnection.