Urgent Help, PC Unprotected due to Error 0x0000001f!


one of my customers had Avast Pro ionstalled but the services had all stopped. It would not restart through Avast or by going to services.msc, they just would not start, so I uninstalled avast and attempted to install Avast free to then upgrade with our license however when ever I try and install I get this error ‘The installer is unable to initialize early Avast! self-defence with error 0x0000001f! Aborting!’
I have tried an avast remover tool and went to use avastclear but it wants to be pointed to where avast is installed but it not actually installed.
Can any one help as I think this PC does have a virus and I really want to get avast back on it.

hola a mi me paso lo mismo en una notebook que estaba arrglando y tenia puesto el avg el cual desinstale.
cuando quise instalar el avast free me daba el siguiente error " el instalador no puede inicializar avast temprano Error 0x0000001f!" abort
Yo hice lo siguiente , instale mbam (antimalware, el viejo spyboot , limpie el registro manualmente de todas las instalaciones viejas de antivirus y nada . por ultimo saque el disco rigido y lo puse en otra maquina y ejecute el avast y este encontro
Amenaza : Win32:Dropper-NR (DRP) (ELIMINAR)
Amenaza : Win32:Malware-gen (Mover al baul), operaciones realizadas con exito.
coloque el disco en la netbook e instale el avastfree sin problemas. espero que esto sirva de ayuda .
Saludos Luis_bahia