Today I downloaded and Installed the latest release of Avast 4 HE, just when I tried to run the on-demand module and checked “Don’t show this window next time” option , I received the follownig error >:( >:( :
An error has occured in the scrpit on this page
Line: 220
Char: 26
Error: Object doesn’t support this property or method
Code: 0
URL: mk:@MKISStore:C:\Program%Files\Alwil%20 Software\Avat4\English
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page? (Yes,No) ???
my pc is running win98se…
yes and received the same error. “ChecklistSimple.chm” is the Avast 4 simple user interface introductory help (the blue html file that opens when the on-demand scanner starts)… ???