A few days ago a threat started popping up very often. I am sending an image of the threat, can you please help me? https://i.gyazo.com/59b1e6073e5c67b42f140b7015d76d0c.png
You can attach images to your posts, many won’t visit unknown 3rd party sites.
If you use the Reply button you should be able to see the option to do this, see attached image, click to expand.
That said, if you aren’t actually trying to connect to the site that gets the alert, then this is probably in your browser cache or cookies.
If so then clear your browser cache and cookies, close the browser and restart it and report the findings.
Thank you for the fast response. I tried clearing my browser cache and cookies, but it didn’t work. I hope I attached the image properly this time and looking forward for your help.
Try turning off your browser extensions if you have any
You’re welcome.
As Pondus mentioned the next step would be disabling your browser extensions (I would find it strange if you didn’t have any).
If that works, then it is a bit of a pain/tedious finding which one. Start by disabling the most recent one you added or were updated.
It was this threat performed against victim: https://blog.talosintelligence.com/ipfs-abuse/
Ipfstech, i hotbad of phishing abuse also for known trojans.
I had an IFPS extention installed and after I removed it, the issue was resolved.
Thank you for the help!
You’re welcome.
Thanks for the confirmation.