URL: Blacklist

The last few days when I tried to download files from an official website of the italian judicial system the connection was severed and an AVAST communication appeared with the text "URL: Blacklist.
The documents are for sure not contaminated with viruses. The URL is “https://pst.giustizia.it/PST/it/pst_2_1_1_3.wp?actionPath=/ExtStr2/do/consultazioneregistri/sicid/fascicolipersonali/search.action&currentFrame=11”. The connection is interrupted only when I try to download the documents. The documents are in a secured part of the site with access only by authorized people.
How can I resolve the problem?

Report a false positive (select file or website)


We have seen this website before. Let me fetch Milos, and have him report here.

Milos reports it’s been cleared by someone else at Avast!. Can you confirm this?