URL Blocking

Is there a easy way to add URLs to block, without having to manually add them to the list.
There exists several lists on the net with URLs to known Spyware/Ad-ware/Other sites.

Ronny Løken

Sure, use your hosts file to do it.

There are quite a few usful tool to aid in this endevour
personally my preferance is HostMan 2.1 best of all free
and very configurable. You are able to mearge HF for 3 different sites as well a a white list

Very easy to use program Highly recommend 69543 enteries to date and growing
This combined with Adblock Plus works a treat for me ;D

Why install a application for it while Windows natively already provide you the means for it?
IMHO, just a waste of diskspace and resources.

Read the subject >>Why>> because it blocks URL’s nothing was said about disk space or resource usage I think it reads URL Blocking are you saying that HostsMan dosn’t block URL’s and after all the original Hosts file is a M$ addition

Guess you could say the same about Spybot then last time I looked this added it’s own hosts file additions.
I mean to say with the size of Hard Disk drives these days 200-300-400 GIG the 1.6 meg occupied by the “HM” program and the 2 meg 69,543 text entries in the Hosts File added just for the hell of it by the like of “hpHosts”, “MVPS”, “Mikes Hosts”, "Block Adverts"I know we all love the advertising. I guess these guys compiled these lists because they had nothing better to do.
undisirable sites for the loss of 3.6 meg hard didk space and almost negliagable use of resources is a small price to pay. I could send you a copy of the Hosts file for you to update yours if you like ;D
Spybot cover approx 1,158 Sites
HostsMan covers exactly 69,543 and growing

Sometimes, just because it’s easier.
Sometimes, just because it’s more beautiful.
Sometimes, just for fun. ;D

lol love it Tech How did you know Hostsman was beautiful ;D

Because, on your suggestion, I’ve dowloaded and I’m testing it… trying to learn.
I love testing software 8)
Sometimes I get in trouble of course and everything conflicts ;D

Nice program indeed i’m trying it out myself ;D