URL:Mal explosion....

suddenly all my websites located on goDaddy are reported as URL:Mal

What can I do?

I have 25 sites located on the same IP address

i guess a coincidence that you see the upgrade ad at the same time as the url block…

anyway, URL:mal means the url or IP is on a blacklist

what is the problem url?


i am sorry,
but I do not have the time to put 20 URL,

All these website are located on goDaddy

all my websites are blocked
I use firefox

Check your IP here http://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check

url here www.urlvoid.com

And reports on same domaine / ip here www.urlquery.net


thanks for the links

the problem is NOT AVAST

But I stopped AVAST and it works…

SO what do i do next???

No, avast is not the problem.
See this:

Many url’s are hosted on the same ip address among several who are malicious.
That is the real problem.

If you want to avoid this, get your own unique ip address and host you sites on it.

and who decides that they are Malicious???
my Websites are clean,

I do not have money to put websites on different IP

None of my Websites have any reason to be malware

so it is not a problem from Avast,
just one website, says that my IP address is bad,
and all my websites are blocked,

so where do I find the solution?
I will donwload another AV, and it should also block my websites
I wrote to goDaddy and I will tell you what happens,

None of my Websites have any reason to be[b] malware[/b]
as said above... URL:MAL is not malware but Blacklisted ....for whatever reason

if you think this is wrong, report it here http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php

It is not your IP. It is one of GoDaddy’s IP’s.
GoDaddy puts websites on the same IP, not just yours but from others as well.
Unless you pay for your own IP, there is nothing that you can do about that.

Only things you can do is as Pondus said and contact GoDaddy and ask them to remove the malicious sites from that IP.

There is no need to switch to another av.
Just report the problem to GoDaddy and avast and it will be solved.

I reported to both

Avast and goDaddy