I´m admin for the website “www_poleasabc_com_ar” (replace _ for .)
I´m getting some URL:Mal Troyan warning when trying to access to the website or trying to access it from searching on google.
I´ve searched on the website code, and found nothing malicious, it´s a simple html and images site.
What can I do to resolve this? It´s nothing on my computer, the problem is in every computer I try to access the site that has Avast installed.
I think the website has been addressed on some “blacklist”, but I can´t find a solution to this problem.
Please I need some help…
Kaspersky dont like it
If you think it is wrong, Report it here https://support.avast.com > avast virus lab
"Blacklisted IP:
No secure protocols supported:
High risk site (10 red out of 10) according to Netcraft: http://toolbar.netcraft.com/site_report/?url=www.poleasabc.com.ar
URL detected (also Kaspersky flags): https://www.virustotal.com/en-gb/ip-address/
End of Header (Length = 309)
• Elapsed time so far: 1 seconds
• Waiting for additional response until connection closes…
Vulnerable script: -wb.slideshow.min.js
Malware link in website code goes to wXw.poleasabc.com.ar/poleas_polyv.html
The blacklisting was for alleged mail abuse frim that iP: http://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_200.58.112.154
Name server issues: http://www.dnsinspect.com/poleasabc.com.ar/1434574483
polonus (volunteer website security analyst and wesite error-hunter)