Ich bekomme die URL:Mal Meldung für die Seite www.50jahregips.de (IP ohne zu erfahren warum.
Weiß jemand Antwort auf die Fragen:
Wo kann ich erfahren warum das geblockt wird - obwohl viele die Seite problem nutzen. Wie kann man das abstellen?
Viele Dank.
URL:Mal = IP and/or domain is blacklisted
Bzgl. IP, siehe: http://zulu.zscaler.com/submission/show/f9f6a2d7107acdf6cd82783583938b7e-1454387366
Willkommen im Forum,
The IP was unblocked 01.02., 18:40 CET, can you confirm that there are no issues now?
Hi Honza, the IP still gets blocked for me.
Not for me.
Just updated to the latest program version, the detection is gone now.
Most probably the reboot of the system did fix it.
That is known behaviour - Avast sometimes holds the cache for a little too long (hey, I have blocked this URL in the past, there is no need to check again, I will just block it again). Restarting shields / Avast / PC always fixes it.
That is known behaviour - Avast sometimes holds the cache for a little too long (hey, I have blocked this URL in the past, there is no need to check again, I will just block it again). Restarting shields / Avast / PC always fixes it.
Yep, that’s what I thought, thanks for the confirmation Honza.