All scripts are completely safe and standard.
not one of the other antivirus is not blocking this site
previously, these problems did not arise
what do I do?
Hosting reliable.
The other websites on IP are working and not blocked by antivirus
Need to remove this IP from the database of avast. This is a mistake.
htxp:// is being blocked by many adblockers. (ABP & uBlock existing filters)
there is a redirect there from /favicon.ico to the 1×1 gif counter? Yes, it is the one which shows in the img src when you request the Metrica code from Yandex, adding delay unnecessary on the page.
Also consider: htxp://*YIYEHasfttH4cxkIICKDcPDeXUuDzlmU1Bngl3LE6mVjuHR7bE-%27; this resides on HTTP Server: Apache HTTP Server, which PHP Version: 3.12989 (is Outdated)
OK on website there is also a suspicious 404 Error Check
polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)